Agogme : Help


The music lesson [detail] / Lord Frederic Leighton. - 1877. - Photograph of original painting.


  • Basic website and page design.
    • Similarity to other websites and web pages.
      • Explore the page and site elements by pointing and clicking (following) links, and pointing and clicking (selecting and submitting) form elements.
  • Navigation links.
    • Navigation links location.
      • Navigation links are located in boxes at the top and left column of the page.  Some basic navigation links are mirrored with the same links at both the top and bottom of the page.  Some types of navigation links are exclusive to a particular part of a page.
    • Current path links.
      • Path links show the current page at the right most end of the path links list, with progressively higher level branches towards the left and beginning of the path links list.  Following a path link changes to the main page for the named link.
  • Forms.
    • Brief forms.
      • Change values as needed.
        • Select values from selection boxes, check or uncheck check box values, and add or remove text from text boxes.
      • Submit form.
        • Choose a submission button to submit all selected and input form elements.  The action performed is the action named on the submission button.